Friday, October 19, 2007

TECH & HOUSE: Halo Ultraviolet Germ Killing Vacuum

WHAT: According to the manufacturer, the Halo UV-ST Ultraviolet Vacuum is the world's first germ-killing vacuum cleaner. Using "UV-C" technology, it's a full-sized vacuum that instantly kills germs.

WHY: Now let's get one thing straight: I'm not proposing that you go out and start murdering germs and dust mites - that's your prerogative. But when I came across this today, I had two opposing thoughts. Initially, it sounds like a great idea: don't just "suck" the crud in your carpet up into a bag, but "zap" the crap.

But then, I thought: wait a minute, this sounds like a ploy to sell a clunky-looking new vacuum. Vacuums are a necessity, like toilet paper: if you've got carpet, you're going to need a vacuum cleaner. But another thought occurred to me: with the virus "Superbug's" immunity to antibiotics, is our phobia of common germs or dust mites over reaction - should we be living in sterile environments? Should we have a vacuum that kills the creatures that live with us in our homes, or are we asking for trouble with germs and bacteria to become stronger and more dangerous.

My personal jury is out on this one. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, but how sterile should clean be? In the meantime, I'll keep vacuuming my carpet with the traditional, beat up vacuum I have. But if you get this hi-tech machine, let me know how it works - and if you feel better from it's use.


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