Monday, October 15, 2007

HISTORY: 2007 Nobel Prize Winner Al Gore

WHAT: The climate change. Everyone's talking about it: "it's never been hot like this at this time of year, etc." But this year, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Al Gore - shared with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - for "their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."

WHY: This is more than a conversation starter. Yes, many have seen "An Inconvenient Truth," the documentary that follows Al Gore as he lectures on the crisis of global warming. The issues are real, and very serious - and don't belong to a political affiliation. Unfortunately in the US, politics are bipartisan, and more often than not, politicians are elected because of the way they look, their haircuts, and the hands they shake - not the things they say. In a way, too bad it wasn't someone that everyone likes - like Willie Nelson or Ben Franklin - who received the Peace Prize, because despite the award, there are those who won't listen to the message because they don't "like" Al Gore. Americans don't like it when a guy wears too many hats - he's gotta be up to no good.

But why is all this amazing? Remember Al Gore's beard? This guy has rebuilt himself: talk about having a thick skin. Al Gore has got to be one of the ultimate "Rocky" themes: a guy who

rose so high, only to have the rug swept from underneath him. He disappeared for awhile. I'm sure every night he shook his head in disbelief, before refocusing his efforts on something more important than a presidency: helping to direct our attention to saving the planet.

All politics aside, I'm tired of breathing in the poor air in Los Angeles, and not really sure what to do about it - but I do think that there is hope. In Stockholm, Sweden, they were able to turn around the terrible water pollution in the city and return them to a pure state that makes fishing popular. On a larger scale, maybe we can find a way to have our cake and eat it, too, before it's too late.

Nobel Prizes:

An Inconvenient Truth:


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