Tuesday, October 9, 2007


WHAT: Need a laugh? Heck, who doesn't? Roy D. Mercer is a "good 'ol boy," a redneck from Oklahoma who makes calls to people who he's somehow got a problem with. In reality, Roy D. Mercer is a fictional character voiced by Brent Douglas on radio station KMOD in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Signed by Capital Records, he makes joke phone calls that are often side-splitting funny. These aren't just "prank" calls: friends, family members, and co-workers call in to set the unsuspecting victim up. Roy then calls, and it's a good, wholesome laugh.

WHY: This has to be a tribute to my dad, who first introduced me to the "R.D. Mercer" CD's. How he ever discovered them up in northern California is beyond me...

Roy's always looking to "whoop somebody's behind" for doing him or his fictional wife/son/daughter-in-law wrong. Funny thing is: he sounds like he's 75, and he admits to wearing overalls, being a wiry fellow, and sporting a John Deer hat. This doesn't stop him from threatening to "pour a 55-gallon of whoop-ass" on his defensive victim.

This isn't just low-brow humor: listen closely to what Roy's saying; his thick Oklahoma accent often has clever insight and innuendo hiding between sentences. In the end, it's always a chuckle and relief when the victim is let in on the joke - and often just as funny as the joke itself. How big'a boy are ya?

Roy's official site is http://www.roydmercer.com


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