Friday, September 28, 2007


WHAT: Amazing sculptures that come to life. Theo Jansen is a Dutch artist and "kinetic sculptor" who creates "Strandbeest" -- beach creatures or beasts -- out of plastic electrical tubing. The beasts come alive with the wind, walking up and down the flat Holland beaches.

WHY: You just have to watch this video to understand: when I saw this, I thought a lot about this guy and how he has devoted his life to his art. Developing creativity and thinking outside the box is something I believe we all can incorporate to our own lives, and hopefully you'll find Theo to be a source of inspiration.

Thanks to Rob Connolly for sharing Theo's work with The Brick Factory. Today will be the first official weekly podcast summary of The Brick Factory's Conversation Starters, which you can subscribe to from the podcast link to the right (it launches in iTunes).

Happy Friday and we'll be back Monday -- and enjoy the video clips below:


Official Website:


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